Expand Your Travel Agency Business with Merchant Stronghold

Are you running a travel agency and you don’t have a merchant account? You are losing a large portion of your customer base who probably don’t purchase your package because of the payment method.

Rates and easy installation

Our rates are different than other companies, we believe in clear and transparent policies so that merchants can do business while we handle their online merchant account issues. Our system is unique, we review many things before deciding how much to charge. Our professional team sits down and review customized plans for travel businesses.

Agencies who have a travel business are, always at risk because credit card companies don’t want to invest in them. They are expensive for banks and their business usually don’t run for long. But with multiple payment methods, you will give options to customers and they will be able to purchase your products easily. A separate merchant account will have a virtual terminal with options such as android and apple device payment method. Customers will be able to pay via credit card with the touch of a button.

Card installation may look like a lengthy process but it is not. Once it is installed, your customers have to enter detail and sign on screen. A recipe will generate when they purchase your travel packages and this recipe will be sent to customers as a record. One of the options that benefit business is clients email, you can send new promotions and special offers to expand your business. The apps we use are extremely safe and they are capable of carrying out any number of transactions. Either it is a virtual terminal or physical, your customer will be able to make payment even if the card is not present. Simply by entering card information and a recipe will generate.

We have made it possible for travel businesses to enjoy the twenty-first century’s technology. There are many companies like ours, but we are the only one that provides customized plans so that merchants can offer better payment options to clients. Contact us and start accepting MasterCard, Visa, and American Express today!


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