Ultimate Guide To Accepting Credit Card

According to studies, business accepting credit card payment is likely to generate more revenue as compared to others. The main purpose of you being in the industry is to earn profit and credit card is a great mode of payment. So, it is better to get a reliable credit card processing before starting off.

What do Business Owners need?

If you want to accept payments through credit card, the first thing that is must is Merchant Account. To carry out online transactions and validate credit card acceptance, a merchant account is mandatory. A merchant account is like any other bank account with a slight difference; it enables merchant/business to accept payment through various means like credit and debit cards. If the merchant has an online merchant account, so this will eliminate the need for a credit card processing machine or terminals to accept payments.

Parties involved in merchant account set up process are:

The Retailer
Merchant Bank
Payment Processor

Three things that every merchant should be aware of when accepting credit card with an online merchant account are discussed below in detail:


A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by an e-commerce provider responsible for carrying out transactions or direct payment processing for e-business or retailers. E-commerce transactions (online transactions) are authorized by this e-commerce service (payment gateway). An e-commerce service provider can be:

Specialized financial service provider.

A payment gateway transfers the information between a payment portal and acquiring the bank, where payment portal can be any of the following:

Mobile phone
IVR machine (Interactive Voice Response)

For every payment processing service on debit/credit card transactions, the merchant has to pay. It is a fee imposed on the merchant that he/she must consider while managing the overall costing of the business. Merchant must discuss the fee for this service before starting to accept debit/credit card payment. It is basically a card-processing fee that is charged to the merchant. Discount rate includes the following:

Card processing fee
Markup and network charges

Hence, along with the merchant discount rate, an additional fee is there to the merchant when conducting transactions through an online merchant account. These fees are:

  • Statement fee
  • Monthly minimum fee
  • Authorization fee
  • Annual fee
  • Chargeback Fee
  • Early termination fee
  • Customer service fee
  • Batch fee (charged when settling a terminal)


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