
Showing posts from August, 2018

What are the difference between Merchant Account and PayPal

Whеn соnѕidеring рауmеnt рrосеѕѕing орtiоnѕ fоr your buѕinеѕѕ, it’ѕ nесеѕѕаrу to undеrѕtаnd how PауPаl stacks up against trаditiоnаl merchant accounts. Payments ассерtеd thrоugh a mеrсhаnt ассоunt for оnlinе transactions are similar tо face-to-face trаnѕасtiоnѕ. You hаvе аn ассоunt with a bаnk оr other finаnсiаl inѕtitutiоn, аnd thе payment рrосеѕѕing соmраnу ассерtѕ your customers’ card infоrmаtiоn thrоugh уоur wеbѕitе’ѕ рауmеnt gаtеwау, securely processes it, аnd dероѕitѕ the transaction fundѕ dirесtlу intо your bаnk ассоunt. These fundѕ аrе available for уоur use tурiсаllу within 2 buѕinеѕѕ dауѕ. Some kindѕ оf businesses, including trаvеl services & future fulfillment, are deemed tо саrrу highеr levels оf risk аnd may hаvе mоrе difficulty in opening a merchant ассоunt (although if уоur соmраnу iѕ соnѕidеrеd highеr riѕk, Mеrсhаnt Strоnghоld ѕресiаlizеѕ in thеѕе tуреѕ of accounts,  contact us  tо know more about high-risk mеrсhаnt ассоunt). PayPal is a tеmрtin...

Start Collecting Credit Card Payment in UK & Europe

Collecting payments through cards has grown as one of the essential parts of the business. As today people prefer to pay through their cards that are, purchasing product or services through their account directly. For this, the businesses who are practicing the traditional way of business are rapidly changing their working or the start-up businesses who want to have a credit card payment accepting merchant account, needs to deal with a lot of paperwork for the approval of a merchant account that is specially dedicated to collect payments through cards. Here we are going to discuss the  merchant account  requirements in the UK, Ireland and other 26 European countries. For a merchant account to be initiated for collecting card payments the businesses need to have the following documents to file applications: The above were the perquisites that will act as the deciding factor whether the applicant is eligible to apply for the merchant account. Now, for filing the ...

Looking Merchant Account for your Jewelry, Electronics Businesses

The  online merchant account  can be integrated into your business even if you don’t have the impeccable reputation. Jewelry, Furniture, and Electronics industries are considered as high-risk businesses because of the high volume of sales, frauds, and refunds. Businesses qualify for merchant accounts based on the risk they pose. It doesn’t matter which business you are running, we can provide you Merchant account with benefits such as: Global acceptance with premium security and reliability Customized account with fraud management PCI compliance and payment via mobile app An account on file, instance checkout, and digital wallet Global reach, localized checkout, and secure In-country payment and support system Purchases and protection Low checkout friction Merchant account industry In recent years, this industry has undergone changes. Many have moved towards more transparent pricing, and a rising number interchange their pricing model every now and th...

Get Instant Approval Merchant Account for your Business

An instant merchant account by Merchant Stronghold can save your time; your customers can pay via much easier and flexible way. It will not only save time, but you will save money as well. If you are expecting the increase in sale, you need an account that is capable of handling future upgrades. Accept Credit Cards Flexibly As time passes, your business will grow big and more distinct. A business that grows consistently needs a flexible  online payment gateway  that has enough room when there is the pool of customers, merchant stronghold provides these systems to business owners. Not every merchant account provider will offer the flexible account that grows with your business. How quick Merchant Stronghold Accounts are? There are many ways to obtain Merchant Stronghold’s account quickly. We have many services, applications, and pre-qualification which can make the whole process easy for you. You can easily find the best solution for the range of services....

How to choose right Merchant Account for Tech Support Business

Need A High-Risk Merchant Account & Payment Gateway If you want to have a high class, compliant tech support company you need to do all you can in order to streamline your financials. Not all support companies out there tend to deliver the utmost value which is why it can be nothing short of frustrating when a merchant problem appears and your business can’t get paid. Plus, many companies use only specific payment processors which make it even harder to get paid. Thankfully, Merchant Stronghold will help you deal with all of that in a very professional manner. No matter if you deal with companies from another state or high-risk businesses in your own country, we are here to assist and we will offer you the best financial solutions on the market. On top of that, the payment gateway and merchant account offered by us is designed to be very reliable, professional and suitable for any company out there. Merchant Stronghold can also provide APIs to integrate your Te...

Payment Processing Solutions for Training and Coaching Businesses

If your product doesn’t succeed then your business won’t succeed. In past years,  online payment systems  have contributed greatly to the success of many training and coaching businesses. There are many things to look out, but the payment method is one that decides how big your business is. Merchant Stronghold understands these unique challenges and to solve them we work hard to develop systems that can lift up your business. If your competitors are strong then you can be stronger by offering better things so that your business gains popularity and revenue. Better Solution for Merchants Our payment solution is up to date, reliable, fast, and secure. It doesn’t matter which business you are running, you can trust us. Merchant Stronghold’s online payment system can make your operation smoother. We have award-winning services and experienced professionals who can settle a payment method that fits your business. By using our online payment solution, you get more than...

Merchant Stronghold Providing Pleasant Merchant Services

Merchant Stronghold is dedicated to providing high quality and best-in-class  merchant services  for processing and tracking the credit card transactions. As a registered MSP/ISO, we think each business has their pros and cons when they plan to start accepting electronic payments. We strive to provide unique and customized solutions for businesses to accept and process electronic payments so that businesses can concentrate on their development and growth. We also provide debit or prepaid card issuance services for corporate and private customers. Merchant Stronghold’s vision is to provide higher-level payment processing and accounting solutions and to keep businesses up-to-date with the latest technology upgrades. The business owners can enjoy the following services provided by Merchant Stronghold: Merchant accounts: A service that enables businesses to accept payments through the card and other electronic payment methods. Virtual/Authorize terminal: Giving...

POS Terminal Can Accept Chip-Based (EMV) Credit Card

The EMV technology shift as it will keep the transactions safe from counterfeit frauds. If the business does not keep their systems compliant to latest technology it will be liable for the counterfeit frauds and there is no remedy to avoid it. Here are a few points that will help you to understand the whole procedure for getting an EMV-friendly Point-Of-Sale: 1. Check your requirements: You should make a list of all software and hardware that are directly or indirectly connected to your existing point of sale terminal. This will help you to know that if you need to upgrade just your existing terminal or you will need to upgrade all the things that are currently in use for your business. 2. Know the options that are available: For this you need to discuss the options with  Merchant  Acquirer that will help you to connect with the payment processor they work with, these payment processors will guide you to the best solution that will fit in your busines...

Merchant Account Requirements in the United States

For merchants in the United States, we have listed the requirements of the account application that can help them to be ready with all sorts of documents that will help them to apply with correct documents while filling the  merchant account  application form: All the merchants who are based in the U.S. they need to provide the general requirements that are listed below that will help the merchant to prove that she/he is a legal resident of the United States: Registered business name in the U.S.: The merchant account applicant must be legally incorporated in the U.S. or at least merchant registered its business with the local governance that could give them “Doing Business As” name (DBA). S. bank account: The merchant should have a running U.S bank account, in which the merchant will get the funds of their transfers deposited. The physical address of the merchant: A merchant must have a physical presence that is an address of living or doing business that can be ve...

How Do You Get Off the TMF/Match List?

Match List of Merchant Accounts It is true, but there is such a thing as a  merchant account  blacklist. It’s actually known as the MATCH list or “Terminated Merchant File,” (TMF for short). The Terminated Merchant File is a shared online list among processors and acts as a blacklist scrubber, where merchants with high-risk accounts or excessive chargebacks [] and/or terminated for violation of agreement are put on the list and prevented from opening an account with a different credit card processor. Few Reasons - Merchants could be put on it Match list Excessive Refunds and Declines Illegal-Product or Advertisement Merchant Collusion Fraud Adult or Porn or Escort Endorsement Violation of Terms of Merchant Agreement Excessive Chargebacks Terrorist Activity Money Laundering Wrong MCC code Service/Product PCI Data Security Standard Noncompliance Identity Theft Bankruptcy/Liquidation/Insolvency By far the most common rea...

Required Documents for High Risk Business Merchant Account

Business Documents and KYC 3 months recent prior processing statements for all products intended on being processed through the  merchant account  (If applicable) 3 months recent business bank statements. (If the new business, the merchant should be able to show financial stability to support the startup/operation of the business or personal bank statements.) Prior years and year-to-date business financials (Prior years audited financials required if available) Website or Marketing materials (Print ads, brochures, etc.) if mail order/telephone order sales If product/service being sold and not owned by the merchant, reseller agreements should be provided Articles of incorporation/articles of the organization showing the ownership of the entity associated with the merchant account Offer/Campaign Information Describe the product/service being sold? How is the product/service ordered or purchased? What are the price points for the product/service? Is the produ...

Few Important Merchant Responsibilities and Pricing

Have you ever seen all the pricing on your Merchant Account Agreements and asked what they mean? Online Business must always read and understand the terms and conditions for their payment gateway.  Merchant Stronghold  explains the pricing schedule of fees: Tiered pricing ERR Pricing (Enhance Recover Reduce) Pass-through interchange pricing Pass-through Pin Debit Tiered pricing: Tiered discount pricing allows you to group interchange programs into different tiers “buckets” and then price those buckets separately based on the range of interchange costs grouped into each bucket. ERR Pricing (Enhance Recover Reduce): Pass non-qualifying interchange costs to merchants. Using err, you have the option to assess a surcharge to the merchant’s downgraded sales volume. The surcharge is a client-defined percentage that is applied to the downgraded sales volume of participating merchants. Pass-through interchange pricing: Using interchange passes through allows...