
Showing posts from June, 2018

Accept Credit Card Payments for Automotive Tires Stores

Mаnу tirе dеаlеrѕ аrе ѕtill doing invoicing, invеntоrу mаnаgеmеnt аnd accounting withоut thе uѕе of a роint of ѕаlе соmрlеtе business mаnаgеmеnt software solution. Chаnging to a POS саn bе frightеning and оvеrwhеlming; with thе орtiоn tо imрlеmеnt a POS nоt even соnѕidеrеd due to thе perception оf an nоn rеvеnuе соѕt item. Bаѕеd uроn оur сuѕtоmеr input аnd the personal еxреriеnсе of thе реорlе оn оur ѕtаff, we know уоu саn turn уоur рареr intо рrоfit. Cоnѕidеr thiѕ. I believe thе mоѕt important rеаѕоn fоr уоu tо invest in POS аnd gеtting a соmрlеtе buѕinеѕѕ mаnаgеmеnt software ѕоlutiоn, iѕ Control! With POS ѕоftwаrеѕ such аѕ  Tirе Pоwеr уоu hаvе complete control оf уоur: Invоiсing (no miѕѕеd trаnѕасtiоn dеtаilѕ $$$) Inventory Management (knоw inventory lеvеlѕ instantly and сrеаtе work оrdеrѕ in ѕесоndѕ $$$) Aссоunting (real timе GL transactions, rесеivаblеѕ аnd payables $$$) For mаnу, juѕtifуing the соѕt оf a  роint оf ѕаlе ѕоftwаrе solution ...

Payment Processing Solutions for Motion Piсturе Theaters

BETTER POS for Mоtiоn Picture Theaters Verifone VX520 POS hаѕ аll these сараbilitiеѕ and muсh more. This mаkеѕ it an idеаl  point of ѕаlе solution  for Motion Picture Thеаtеrѕ. With Verifone VX520 POS, itеmѕ саn quickly bе рut intо invеntоrу. Dеtаilѕ such аѕ the price (соѕt), dаtе rесеive, mаrk-uр, mаrgin, ԛuаntitу, and description аrе аll available fоr еасh itеm. When prospective buуеrѕ hаvе ԛuеѕtiоnѕ, any infоrmаtiоn that wаѕ there оn the itеm can be easily ассеѕѕ juѕt bу ѕсаnning the рrоduсt. Cоmрlеtе rероrtѕ are available tо rеviеw invеntоrу lеvеlѕ, invеntоrу value, sales history. Or virtually any аѕресt оf inventory and ѕаlеѕ infоrmаtiоn that is available on thе ѕtоrе роint оf ѕаlе system. In a multi-store еnvirоnmеnt, each ѕtоrе location can have “livе-timе” ассеѕѕ tо invеntоrу information from store tо ѕtоrе. Buyers that аrе looking for a ѕресifiс itеm саn bе there, whеn thаt item is рrеѕеnt аt оnе оf уоur other stores. Thеаtrе Point of Sаlе: 3 Must-Ha...

Important Questions to ask your New Credit Card Processor

You need to choose a new  credit card processor . But it is not as easy as it seems, it is a big decision to make. Before making the decision, you must know it includes the fee charged and contracts. Also the customer service department and cost-effective tools available. Do the comparison, study the market and then make the final decision. Let us now discuss it further. Fees Charged Structure  When you select such tools, you are accused of a specific measure of the fee. Be that as it may, it is essential to know exactly what precisely those fees are, all the more generally called breakage of the fee. The truth of the matter is that high-risk merchants of the high-chance vendors have no idea about the procedure and end up paying a high amount of fee without really knowing the shrouded high markups in their valuing structure. To process the transaction, an exchange some portion of estimating structure is paid to the card issuer. Aside from this, there is an addition...

Why are the Offshore Accounts so popular among Merchants?

Offshore Merchant Account An offshore merchant account, also known as an international merchant account or “offshore” merchant account, The Main benefits offshore merchant account is the security and option the accepting major currencies. Popular Offshore Account among Merchant Offshore Account & E-commerce mostly communication as Merchants, irrespective of their industry types. Merchant aim at attracting a majority of customers and look for maximizing sale to earn good profit. To accomplish this, the merchant needs a merchant account that acknowledges the greater part of  credit cards . In any case, it isn't that simple to open a merchant account, as it incorporates numerous prerequisites and long strategies, which isn't the situation with an offshore merchant account. A large portion of the businesses maintains at them to keep up an offshore account as it gives numerous financial and legal advantages to its client. No matter how small or big business y...

Currency in England,Wales - Understanding the British Pound Money

The UK’s Bank of England. British Pound includes such as Quid, Nicker, Cable, Sterling. Importance of the British Pound The British Pound is the oldest currency still in use today, as well as one of the most commonly converted currencies. The Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, and Saint Helena are all pegged at par to the GBP. British Pound Notes and the Gold Standard The first paper notes were introduced in 1694. The Bank of England, one of the first central banks in the world, was established a year later, in 1695. All Sterling notes were handwritten until 1855 when the bank began to print whole notes. In the early 20th century, more countries began to tie their currencies to gold. The strength of the Sterling that came with the gold standard led to a period of major economic growth in Britain until 1914. The British Pound and the Sterling Area The British Pound was not only used in Great Britain but also circulated through the colonies of the British Empire. Ho...

What is Significance of the U.S. Dollar?

The US national bank is known as the Federal Reserve Bank (usually alluded to as “The Fed”). The USD is the most exchanged cash in the forex showcase and can be matched with all other significant monetary forms. USD Currencies known as the bones, green, greenback, dead presidents, buck. US Dollar Significance The US Dollar is the most ordinarily changed over cash on the planet and is frequently utilized as a benchmark in the Forex showcase. As the prevailing worldwide save money, it is held by almost every national bank on the planet. Also, the Dollar is utilized as the standard money in the ware advertise and hence directly affects product costs. Dollarization of the USD Because of its worldwide acknowledgment, a few nations like Panama and Ecuador utilize the USD as an authority legitimate delicate, a training known as dollarization. For different nations, the Dollar is an acknowledged option type of installment, however not an official cash for the nation. Nu...

E-commerce Payment Processing Benefits for your Business

This is the digital age, so most businesses know the importance of  accepting electronic payment , especially if they are leveraging the e-commerce space. PayPal is often a go-to choice, but what if a customer prefers something else? What if there is a processing solution that works better for your business than others? Here are a few payment processors that can help improve revenue and customer experiences. Stripe Stripe manages tens of billions of dollars every day, so as many as half of American residents paid via Stripe in the past year did so without knowing—they even recently partnered with Amazon. If you are a business owner looking for something flexible with carefully designed APIs (the software is easily customizable to fit your needs), Stripe is worth considering. Deluxe eChecks Deluxe eChecks are also beneficial for business payments, too. If you need to pay vendors, suppliers, or employees while simultaneously streamlining operations, electronic...

Visa Process Smoother and Faster for Entrepreneurs

The new  visa route , devised with Brexit in mind, is intended to make the  visa process  smoother and faster for entrepreneurs and was introduced by home secretary Sajid Javid this week during London Tech Week. It will be launched in Spring 2019. “We want to do more to attract businesses to the UK and our migration system plays a key part in that,” Javid said. “This will help to ensure we continue to attract the best global talent and maintain the UK’s position as a world-leading destination for innovation and entrepreneurs.” The new start-up visa scheme will need applicants to have an endorsement from a UK university or approved UK-based business sponsor, including start-up accelerators. The cost of the visa and any cap has not yet been decided but a Home Office spokesman said: “This visa will replace the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) visa route, which was only open to graduates, so opening that route up to a wider pool. The cap on that was 2,000 per year...

Which are the Best High Risk Merchant Services in 2018 for Small Businesses

Therefore for a business to keep its competitive edge, you need to offer the options for payment that your customers prefer, and that is debit and credit cards. As a business, accepting cards for payment is streamlined by setting up a  merchant account . A merchant account acts as an intermediary to navigate the complexities of payment processing and ensures that you receive funds as quickly as possible, and helps avoid your business is the victim of a scam. Let’s take a look at the best merchant services available to bring your business up to speed to accept payments. 1. Payline A suite of services for the small business Payline is a merchant service that promises to make it easy to accept credit card payments and offers a variety of plans to suit each business's needs. They offer a variety of services including mobile, online, in-store, enterprise and integrated payments, and also offers Payline Medical for the healthcare field, and business loans as wel...

How to Credit Card Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Could Double?

Credit Card  APRs are ridiculously high, averaging 16.75 percent, according to the latest data from Credit Cards (That’s a record high, by the way.) But make a payment misstep, and you could face almost double that astronomical rate for months afterward. If you’re more than 60 days late on your minimum  credit card payment , your issuer may apply a “penalty APR,” which can reach as high as 29.99 percent, according to Credit Karma. This higher rate can be applied to your current and future balances for six months. When six months have passed, your creditor is required to reevaluate your rates, per Credit. If you’ve made all your payments on-time during those months, you should hopefully have your rate returned to normal. To find out what your issuer charges, read through your card’s terms and conditions. Not every card applies the penalty—Chase, Citi and Discover offer cards with no penalty APR, according to LendEu—though many do, and those without penalties...

Accepting Online Payment Gateway Considerations

Thinking of  accepting payments online ? Great idea. Online shopping is a booming industry across the globe and U.S. To get started, you’ll need to select a payments-gateway provider to integrate with your current payment system, build your online shopping cart and process your customers’ online payments similarly to how payments are processed in-store. But with so many  payments gateway  providers to choose from, finding the one for your business can be overwhelming and confusing. Here are the top nine things you should consider before making a selection: 1. Your Customers' Experience It’s common knowledge within the payments industry that offering your customers more ways to pay creates a better customer experience. Great customer experiences lead to repeat customers, which often leads to referred business. Adding an online element is a great step towards creating a positive experience in your customers’ minds. 2. Technology and Functionality ...

What will be the Next Steps to Exploring the Future of Credit Card Processing?

Credit cards are the future of payments. More and more people are opting for credit or debit cards as they are readily available and you can carry as much as you want with as much money as you have in your wallet. If you take a look in most shops, you’ll find that almost all of them have credit card processing machines. It’s much easier to simply swipe your credit card, pay for the goods, and leave. This is especially true for people at the cash register and even accountants because every payment gets processed and all of that information is available at all times. Anyway, let’s see what the future of credit card processing will bring us! Virtual Terminals In short, virtual terminals are online POS machines. POS machines are Point-Of-Sale machines which are used to process credit card payments. Virtual terminals are programmed in such a way that they usually accept most credit and debit cards, as well as access from all web browsers. They are most often hosted on the se...

Can Refunds On Merchant Account Lower Chargebacks?

Difference between a Refund and a Chargeback Most of us often get confused between these two terms and usually think that these two are one of the same things. But that is not true. For refund, customer contacts the business where as for charge back, customer instead of going directly to the business contacts the bank that is managing the  merchant account  of that particular business and asks them to remove that charge from the merchant bank account. Further, bank enquires about the request and if found valid, removes the charge from merchant account and returns it to the customer. How Refund Can Help If a customer is not happy with the product or has received wrong product, he/she can either ask for a refund or a chargeback. In case of refund, business simple sends the money back to the customer directly to his/her bank account through which the payment was made. But that is not the case in chargeback. In chargeback, the issuer bank refunds the money to the custo...

Some Tips You Can Use to Create High-Risk Online Business

Popular products Inform your clients about the products and services you offer and what sets them apart. This will give you a better distinction between the rests of the competition. It will also help your company to be recognized as user-friendly.  Know your target market People will not rush to your website without attracting it. Knowing the complexity of your target market plays a crucial role in marketing your product effectively. If you have a large clientele, then you must understand their interest and their fascination. This will allow you to attract better attention. Create a friendly and lively website We all know that everything that is presented visually is better than just selling it by word of mouth. Therefore, it is vital that you create a website that attracts the visual wishes of your customers. Easy-to-use add-ons, easy-to-use content, maximize ad space and more. The possibilities are endless when it comes to decorating your website. Online ...

Payment Gateway Market Focuses On Companies, Opportunities, Market Size & Forecast 2022

The research report studies the Payment Gateways market on the basis of several criteria, including type, application, and geography to provide a better understanding to the readers. The overall supply chain of the market has been explained in detail, which includes statistical information and special emphasis on various upstream and downstream elements. Get your queries resolved from an industry expert. You have any reasonable time, you can contact and ask -  Payment Gateway Market Experts The report also sheds light on the current trends related to the demand, supply, and sales of Payment Gateways, along with the recent developments in the field. The report includes tools such as Porter’s five force analysis and market attractiveness analysis. Through these tools, the report sheds light on the bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, the degree of competition, and the measure of the potential of ea...

Real Time MasterCard Account Updater Service Globally Launch By Adyen

NEWS PROVIDED BY - Adyen Adyen the payments platform of choice for many of the world's leading companies, today announced its direct API integration with the Mastercard® Account Updater service. Qualified merchants processing with Adyen globally can now increase revenue from card-on-file payments by automatical ly updating Mastercard accounts in real time. "The subscription economy is experiencing massive growth, with 100% increase year-over-year for the last five years1. Beyond digital services, Adyen is seeing a strong uptake in physical products like cosmetics, fashion and bicycles now offered as a subscription service. Payments are a critical touchpoint for ensuring uninterrupted service for customers and sustained revenue for merchants," said Roelant Prins, the chief commercial officer at Adyen. "Adyen, together with Mastercard's Account Updater, is focused on making the highest number of payments succeed by automatically updating card data at...

Reliable way to open your High Risk Offshore Merchant Account

Merchant Stronghold is the best way for the  High-Risk Offshore merchant account . It is working fast processing system. How to Choose Merchant Stronghold! About  Merchant Stronghold is well known for its services and fast processing system for a High-risk offshore merchant account. We have been voted #1 High-Risk merchant service provider in the year 2015 and 2016. If you are looking for offshore account for your high-risk business, you have reached the right place. We provide hassle-free all-in-one merchant account that includes everything that a high-risk offshore merchant requires to process successfully, which includes: Debit card processing Credit card processing ACH Payment gateways Chargeback management services Merchant Stronghold also provides facilities that make accepting payment way easier, these facilities are: POS machine service Virtual terminal Online setup Why choose  Merchant Stronghold Merchant Stronghold is in ...

Visa Issues in UK and Europe - Card Problems Payment System Go Down

The Visa payment system has crashed, leaving some people unable to buy things or complete transactions. Even shoppers not using Visa have been unable to make purchases because the network provides payment systems for a range of shops and financial institutions. Customers have reported arriving at tills to have their cards declined. Retailers say they have been left unable to take payments in shops, bars, and other outlets, forcing them to resort to only taking cash or not making sales at all. The payments look to customers like they are being declined, in the same way as when a card has insufficient funds. But the issues are actually a consequence of the global network of payments run by Visa. Visa users received messages telling them there is a "disruption of service", meaning payment providers are unable to receive or send money. A range of different banks and other financial institutions use Visa's payment system, meaning that even transactions u...