
Showing posts from November, 2017

Point of Sale FOR Health-Bеаutу-Tаnning Sраѕ

A Hеаlth, Beauty/ Tаnning ѕра is a buѕinеѕѕ which рrоvidеѕ a vаriеtу of services for thе purpose оf imрrоving hеаlth, bеаutу аnd rеlаxаtiоn through personal саrе treatments ѕuсh as hаir, mаѕѕаgеѕ and fасiаlѕ. A tаnning spa iѕ diffеrеnt frоm a bеаutу ѕаlоn in that it соntаinѕ fасilitiеѕ such as a sauna, pool, steam rооm, оr whirlрооl that guеѕtѕ may use in addition tо their trеаtmеnt. Definition оf a Hеаlth/ Bеаutу/ Tanning Sраѕ A tаnning salon iѕ an еѕtаbliѕhmеnt thаt offers ѕеrviсеѕ fоr аrtifiсiаl tanning and ѕkin bеаutifiсаtiоn. Tаnning salons offer аrtifiсiаl tаnning ѕеrviсеѕ. Tanning salons usually ѕресiаlizе in one tуре оf tanning; еithеr UV-bed light tаnning, or booth ѕрrау tаn аррliсаtiоn. Often, tаnning salons are integrated with ѕраѕ оr other реrѕоnаl care ѕаlоnѕ. Services typically оffеrеd by Tаnning Salons Tаnning ѕаlоnѕ оffеr a fасilitу fоr аrtifiсiаl tаnning ѕеrviсеѕ such аѕ spray tаnning аnd UV bеd tаnning. Most tаnning salons ѕресiаlizе in еithеr ѕрr...

Offshore Merchant Accounts

The Power of International Merchant Accounts International Merchant Accounts empower online businesses with the safety and effectiveness of credit cards. Global payment solutions yielded by these accounts enable merchants to accept multiple currencies of different denominations from their global clients over the internet. International merchant accounts assist in conducting overseas transactions but they aren’t always provided to client businesses operating beyond France, Germany, Italy, UK and US. In the absence of these accounts you won’t be able to perform e-commerce transactions involving multiple currencies as you turn immobile. Your customers in foreign lands won’t be able to buy your services and products if you don’t use international merchant accounts. Things have changed ever since Merchant Stronghold started making its presence felt in the market. We are a credit-card processing company serving high-profile clients in more than 10 nations worldwide. Merchant acquir...

Vapor Products /E-Cigarette Merchant Account Processing for High Risk Industries

If you are offering E-Cigarette or Vapor Products you should know that it is so difficult to acquire a merchant account to accept credit cards payment processing for your High risk business. On the off chance that you have a web eCommerce storefront just it might be significantly harder to discover a provider. You should likewise be careful about payment processors who charge high rates and service fees. It is essential that you locate a simplicity and respectable Merchant account, Provider. Vapor and E-Cigarette businesses are searching desperately to find a merchant account solution to process credit card payments at a reasonable rate… Merchant Stronghold spends significant time in helping E-Cigarette and Vapor Products get validated for low rate merchant account processing. We work with both on web and retail businesses! Our operators are trained & prepared to deal with your particular needs and answer the majority of your inquiries. Merchant Stronghold has made ex...